Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

terjemahan fathul qorib


In the name of God the Merciful Praise be to Allah and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad illiterate and his family of divine and his companions wholes judge said Abu brave Ahmed bin Hussein bin Ahmed al-Isfahani mercy of God asked some friends, may Allah Almighty to do a brief in jurisprudence on the doctrine of Imam Shafi'i God rest his soul and pleasure in a very brief and concise end to nearly the learner will study and make it easier for the novice and save more than subdivisions and infinite qualities so I told him to reward students for wanting to reconcile God in the rightness of what he pleases Kadeer and slaves gentle expert.


Terjemah: Bismillahirrohmanirrahim. Segala puji bagi Allah. Shalawat salam atas Nabi Muhammad, keluarganya dan para Sahaabat. Qadhi Abu Syujak Ahmad bin Al-Husain bin Ahmad Al-Asfahani berkata: Aku diminta oleh sebagian teman untuk menyusun ringkasan fiqih madzhab Syafi'i yang sangat ringkas dan sederhana dan terbagi dalam bagian-bagian yang banyak agar mudah dipelajari dan dihafal. Aku penuhi permintaan itu dengan memohon taufik pada Allah yang Maha Kuasa dan Maha Tahu.


Book Purity

Water that may be out cleansing seven water water sky and the sea water and river water and well water and cataracts and water ice and water cold and then the water on four sections Taher antiseptic, hated a water sunny and immaculate is antiseptic, a water user and variable including Khalth is pure and the water is unclean, which upon which the uncleanness without a Kultin or was Klten Climate and Kultan five hundred pound Baghdadi almost correct.
Artinya: Macam-macam Air Air yang dapat dibuat untuk bersuci ada 7 (tujuh) yaitu air hujan (langit), air laut, air sungai, air sumur, air sumber (mata air), air salju, air dingin. Jenis air ada 4 (empat) yaitu (a) air suci dan mensucikan; (B) air yang makruh yaitu air panas; (C) air suci tapi tidak meyucikan yaitu air mustakmal dan air yang air berubah karena kecampuran perkara suci; (D) air najis yaitu (i) air kurang 2 qullah yang terkena najis atau (ii) air mencapai 2 qullah terkena najis dan berubah. Adapun ukuran 1 qullah adalah 500 (lima ratus) kati baghdad menurut pendapat yang paling sahih.


(Separated) and the skins of dead cleansed Baldbag but the dog's skin, pork and breed them or one of the dead bone and hair unclean only human.

May not use utensils of gold and silver, and may use other pots.
Terjemah: Kulit bangkai dapat suci dengan disamak kecuali kulit anjing dan babi dan hewan yang terlahir dari keduanya atau dari salah satunya. Adapun tulang bangkai itu najis kecuali tulang mayat manusia.

Tidak boleh menggunakan wadah yang terbuat dari emas dan perak. Boleh menggunakan wadah yang selain dari emas dan perak.


(Separated) and tooth brushing desirable in any case only after disappearing for a fasting person in three places most mustahabb: When you change the mouth of Azam and others, and when you do sleep and when to do the prayer.
Artinya: Bersiwak itu hukumnya sunnah dalam setiap keadaan kecuali setelah condongnya matahari bagi yang berpuasa. Bersiwak sangat disunnah dalam 3 tempat yaitu (a) saat terjadi perubahan bau mulut; (B) setelah bangun tidur; (C) hendak melaksanakan shalat.


(Separated) and hypotheses ablution Six Things intention when washing the face and the face wash and wash your hands to the elbows and wipe some of the head and washing the feet to the ankles and ranking on what we have.

(Separated) and Sunan Ten Things label and wash hands before their entry pot and rinsing the mouth and nose and wipe all head and wiping the ears seemingly and Batnhma water again and pickling beard Alkth and pickling fingers and legs and provide the right to the left and purity thrice-three attached.

Artinya: Artinya: Rukun atau fardhu-nya wudhu ada 6 (enam) yaitu:
1. Niat saat membasuh muka. [1]
2. Membasuh muka.
3. Membasuh kedua tangan sampai siku.
4. Mengusap sebagian kepala. [2]
5. Membasuh kedua kaki sampai mata kaki.
6. Dilakukan secara tertib dari no. 1 sampai 5.


[1] Niat wudhu adalah: ablution intended to raise the event presumably younger Lu Come
Artinya: Saya niat wudhu untuk menghilangkan hadats kecil karena Allah Ta'ala.
[2] Beda mengusap dan membasuh adalah kalau mengusap cukup dilakukan dengan sekedar membasahi dengan sedikit air. SEdang membasuh memakai air yang dapat mengaliri seluruh anggota badan yang wajib dibasuh.


Artinya: Sunnahnya wudhu ada 10 (sepuluh): membaca bismillah, membasuh kedua telapak tangan sebelum memasukkan ke wadah air, berkumur, menghirup air ke hidup, mengusap seluruh kepala, mengusap kedua telinga luar dalam dengan air baru, menyisir jenggot tebal dengan jari, membasuh sela-sela jari tangan dan kaki, mendahulukan bagian kanan dari kiri, menyucikan masing-masing 3 (tiga) kali, bersegera.


(Separated) and istinja duty of urine and feces, and the best that Istnja stones and then followed by water and may be limited to the water or on the three stones purifies them the shop if he wanted water is limited to one better.
And bypass reception and direction Astdbarha in the desert and bypassing the urine and feces in the stagnant water and under the tree fruit and shade on the way and the hole does not speak to the urine nor receives the sun and moon do not Istdbarhama.

Artinya: Instinja '(Jawa, cewok) atau membersihkan diri itu wajib setelah buang air kecil (kencing) dan buang air besar (BAB). Yang utama adalah bersuci dengan memakai beberapa batu [1] kemudian dengan air. Boleh bersuci dengan air saja atau dengan 3 (tiga) buah batu yang dapat membersihkan tempat najis. Apabila hendak memakai salah satu dari dua cara, maka memakai air lebih utama.


Orang yang sedang buang air besar (BAB) hendaknya tidak menghadap kiblat dan tidak membelakanginya apabila dalam tempat terbuka. Kencing atau BAB hendaknya tidak dilakukan di air yang diam, di bawah pohon yang berbuah, di jalan, di tempat bernaung, di lobang. Dan hendaknya tidak berbicara saat kencing dan tidak menghadap matahari dan bulan dan tidak membelakangi keduanya.


(Separation), which invalidates ablution six things that came out of the fountain and sleep on the body is empowered and the demise of the mind or sugar disease and touching the man of foreign women from non Hail touched Faraj human Bbatn stop touching episode was orchestrated by the new.

Artinya: Perkara yang membatalkan wudhu ada 6 (enam): sesuatu yang keluar dari dua jalan (depan belakang), tidur dalam keadaan tidak tetap, hilang akal karena mabuk atau sakit, sentuhan laki-laki pada wanita bukan mahram tanpa penghalang, menyentuh kemaluan manusia dengan telapak tangan bagian dalam, menyentuh kawasan sekitar anus (dubur) menurut qaul jadid. [1]

[1] Qaul jadid (pendapat baru) adalah fatwa Imam Syafi'i saat berada di Mesir. Qaul qadim (pendapat lama) adalah fatwa Imam Syafi'i saat berada di Baghdad, Irak.


(Separation), which requires three things Washing six involving men and women, a confluence of two circumcised parts and the emission of semen, death and three women, which is unique to menstruation and childbirth and postpartum.

(Separated) and the ordinances of three things Washing intent and remove the impurity that was on his body and the delivery of water to all the hair and skin. The Sunan Five Things label and ablution before the passage of the hand to the body and attached to the right and make a left.
(Separated) and Alagtssalat enacted seventeen Honor wash Fridays and Eid and ascites eclipses and eclipse and washing after washing the deceased and the infidel if the safest and crazy and person who was unconscious if horizons and washing at Ihram and to enter Mecca and stand Arafah and overnight in Muzdalifah and throwing stones three and Cruising.


Perkara yang mewajibkan mandi junub (ghusl) ada 6 (enam) 3 (tiga) di antaranya berlaku untuk laki-laki dan perempuan yaitu (1) senggama, (2) keluar sperma, (3) mati. Tiga lainnya khusus untuk perempuan yaitu (4) haid, (5) nifas, (6) melahirkan (wiladah).


Fardhu / rukun atau perkara yang harus dilakukan saat mandi junub ada 3 (tiga) yaitu (1) niat, (2) menghilangkan najis yang terdapat pada badan, (3) mengalirkan air ke seluruh rambut dan kulit badan.


Hal-hal yang disunnahkan (dianjurkan untuk dilakukan) saat mandi junub ada 5 (lima) yaitu (1) Baca bismillah, (2) wudhu sebelum mandi junub, (3) mengusapkan tangan pada badan, (4) bersegera, (5) mendahulukan (anggota badan) yang kanan dari yang kiri.


Mandi junub disunnahkan dilakukan dalam 17 keadaan yaitu: mandi untuk Jum'at, 2 (dua) hari raya, shalat minta hujan (istisqa '), gerhana bulan, gerhana matahari, setelah memandikan mayit, orang kafir apabila masuk Islam, orang gila dan ayan (epilepsi) apabila sembuah, saat akan ihram, akan masuk Makkah, wukuf di Arafah, mabit (menginap) di Muzdalifah, melempar Jumrah yang tiga, tawaf, sa'i, masuk kota Madinah.


(Separated) and wipe over the socks is permissible in three strips that starts puts them on again after Kamal Purity and be Satrin to replace the imposition of the feet and be enabling relay walk on them and wipe Resident days and nights and the traveler three days and nights and the time starts from when going after wearing the socks, the survey in urban areas and then traveled or travel in the survey and then completed the survey established resident.

And invalidate the survey three things Boukalama and expiration and requires washing.
Artinya: Mengusap khuf (kaus kaki khusus) itu boleh dengan 3 (tiga) syarat:
(1) Memakai khuf setelah suci dari hadats kecil dan hadats besar.
(2) Khuf (kaus kaki) menutupi mata kaki.
(3) Dapat dipakai untuk berjalan.

Orang mukim dapat memakai khuf selama satu hari satu malam (24 jam). Sedangkan musafir selama 3 (tiga) hari 3 malam.

Masanya dihitung dari saat hadats (kecil) setelah memakai khuf. Apabila memakai khuf di rumah kemudian bepergian atau mengusap khuf di perjalanan kemudian mukim maka dianggap mengusap khuf untuk mukim.

Mengusap khuf batal oleh 3 (tiga) hal: (a) melapasnya, (b) habisnya masa, (c) hadats besar.

Tambahan penerjemah:
Tata cara Mengusap Khuf

1. Mengusap khuf dilakukan sebagai ganti dari membasuh kaki saat berwudhu karena itu waktu pengusapan adalah saat giliran membasuh kaki saat wudhu.
2. Caranya adalah mengusapkan air (tanpa mengalirkan) ke bagian atas khuf atau punggung kaki (kebalikan telapak kaki).

(Separated) and strips tayammum five things: the presence of a disease or an excuse to travel, and the time for prayer, and asked water, and unable to use it after Aawazh and demand, and dirt-Tahir, who has the Khalth Plaster dust or sand is not permissible. The statutes are four things: faith and wiping the face and wipe your hands with elbows, respectively. The Sunan three things: the label and make a left and right attached.

(Separation), which nullifies tayammum three things superseded the ablution and see the water in the non-prayer time and apostasy. His splints and wipe them and tayammum and pray that it does not re-was placed on the cleared and tayammum and pray for each ordinance Btimm one wills of redundancy.

Syarat bolehnya tayammum ada 5 (lima): (a) adanya udzur karena perjalanan atau sakit, (b) masuk waktu shalat, (c) mencari air, (d) tidak dapat menggunakan air dan tidak ada air setelah mencari, (e) debu suci. Apabila tercampur najis atau pasir maka tidak sah.


Fardhu / rukun atau tatacara tayammum ada 4 (empat) yaitu (a) niat, (b) mengusap wajah, (c) mengusap kedua tangan sampai siku, (d) tertib (urut).


Sunnahnya tayammum ada 3 (tiga) yaitu: (a) Membaca bismillah, (b) mendahulukan yang kanan dari yang kiri, (c) bersegera.


Yang membatalkan tayammum ada 3 (tiga) yaitu: (a) perkara yang membatalkan wudhu, (b) melihat air di selain waktu shalat, (c) murtad.

Orang yang memakai perban mengusap di atasnya, bertayammum dan shalat dan tidak perlu mengulangi shalatnya apabila saat memakai perban dalam keadaan suci.
Satu tayammum berlaku untuk satu kali shalat fardhu dan 1 shalat sunnah. Satu kali tayammum dapat dipakai beberapa kali shalat sunnah.

(Separated) and all the fluid out of the fountain unclean but semen and wash all Alabual and Alerwat duty but Paul boy who did not eat the food, it cleanses spraying water on it and do not be exempted from something impure only scratched from the blood and not the same as a liquid if signed into the vessel and the death of it Do not defile the whole animal immaculate but the dog and the pig and breed them or one of them, and the dead are all unclean except fish and locusts and human and wash the pot of Logue dog and pig seven times, one of dust and wash of other impurities once come upon the three best and if permeated the winery itself cleared though Khallt asking something which is not cleansed.


Setiap benda cair yang keluar dari dua jalan (anus dan kemaluan) hukumnya najis kecuali spearma.

Membasuh kencing dan kotoran (tinja) itu wajib kecuali kencing bayi laki-laki kecil yang belum memakan makan maka cara menyucikannya cukup dengan menyiramkan air. Perkara yang najis tidak dimaafkan kecuali sedikit seperti darah hewan yang tidak mengalir apabila jauh ke dalam bejana (wadah) dan mati maka tidak menajiskan isi bejana.

Seluruh binatang itu suci kecuali anjing dan babi dan yang lahir dari keduanya atau salah satunya. Adapun bangkai itu najis kecuali ikan, belalang dan manusia.

Bejana yang terkena jilatan anjing dan babi harus dibasuh 7 (tujuh) kali salah satunya dengan tanah. Sedang najis yang lain cukup dibasuh sekali namun 3 kali lebih baik.

Apabila khamar (arak) menjadi anggur dengan sendirinya maka ia menjadi suci. Apabila perubahan itu karena memasukkan sesuatu maka tidak suci.

(Separated) and comes out of the vagina three blood menstrual blood and maternal Istihaadah Valehid is the blood outside of the woman's vagina for the health of non-reason of birth, color, black heated to shot and postpartum is the blood abroad after birth Istihaadah is blood outside on days other than menstruation and mortality and less menstrual day and night and most fifteen days and is mostly six or seven and less maternal moment and most sixty days and is mostly forty and less purity between menstrual periods? fifteen days nor end to a maximum and minimum time menstruate a woman nine years and less pregnancy for six months and most of four years and less pregnancy for six months and most of four years and is mostly nine months. And deprives menstruation and postpartum eight things prayer and fasting and reading the Koran and the Koran and touched him, entering the mosque and the circumnavigation and intercourse and enjoy what is between the navel and the knee. And deprives the five things on the side of prayer and reading the Koran and the Koran and touched him and circumambulation and unambiguous in the mosque. And deprives updated on three things circumambulation prayer and touched the Koran and upload.

Book sales and other transactions

Sales of three things: Eye View is permissible, and sell something described in the disclosure is permissible if any adjective to describe what it, and you do not see the sale absent is not permissible. The true beneficiary of the sale of each Taher owned by, and can not sell eye unclean, and no benefit in it.

Artinya: Jual beli itu ada tiga macam: (a) Jual beli benda yang kelihatan di depan penjual dan pembeli, maka hukumnya adalah boleh. (B) Jual beli benda yang disebutkan sifatnya saja dalam janji (tanggungan) maka hukumnya adalah boleh jika didapati sifat tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang telah disebutkan; (C) Jual beli benda yang tidak ada serta tidak dapat dilihat, maka tidak boleh (tidak sah). Dan sah menjual setiap benda suci yang bisa diambil manfaatnya serta dapat dimiliki. Dan tidak sah menjual benda najis dan benda yang tak ada manfaatnya.


(Separated) and usury in gold, silver and vaccinations may not sell gold for gold and silver as well as the only uniform in cash and do not sell what is purchased until he takes possession or sale of meat animals and may sell gold and silver Mtfadila in cash, as well as vaccinations may not sell sex, including in kind only replicate in cash and may sell sex, which otherwise Mtfadila cash and may not be selling ambiguity.

Riba itu berlaku pada emas, perak dan makanan.

Tidak boleh jual beli (bukan menukar) emas dengan emas, begitu juga perak denan perak kecuali kalau sepadan berat timbangannya serta kontan. Tidak boleh menjual benda yang telah dibelinya sehingga benda itu dipegangnya (ada pada tangan yang hendak menjaul itu). Tidak boleh menjual (menukar) daging dengan hewan. Boleh menjual (menukar) emas dengan perak tidak sebanding beratnya asal kontan. Begitu juga makanan, tidak boleh menjual (menukar) satu jenis yang semacam kecuali sebanding (ukuran atau takarannya) dan kontan. Boleh menjual (menukar) satu jenis daripada makanan itu dengan (jenis makanan) lainnya yang tidak sebanding asal kontan. Tidak boleh menjual barang yang tidak terang (gharar).


(Separated) and Almtbaien option unless Itafrqa and they may Istotia option to three days and if there is a defect Balambaa Vmstrae response may not be selling the fruit at all until after the Bedouins validity nor sell the same type of wealth usury wet only milk.


(Separated) and true peace off and postponed as the integration of the five strips is set to be Balsafh genera and have not mixed by the other and did not enter the fire for transmission and not be certain of not certain

Then for the health of peace in which eight strips is that he describes, after mentioning the sex and type of characteristics that differ by price and mention of including denies ignorance about albeit delayed mentioned as misplaced and be present at maturity often and mention the subject of grip and that the price information and Atkabdha before parting and that the contract has already been carried peace does not enter the option clause.

Akad salam (pemesanan) itu sah baik barang diterima secara langsung dan barang yang tidak diterima langsung (yaitu pemesanan) akan barang-barang yang sempurna terpenuhi di dalamnya lima syarat (yakni): (1) Barang itu dapat dipastikan keadaannya dengan sifat; (2) Barang itu adalah sejenis barang yang tidak bercampur aduk dengan jenis-jenis lainnya. (3) Barang itu tidak terkena api untuk (maksud) diubahnya dan keadaan mentah menjadi masak: artinya tidak dimasak. (4) Barang itu bukan yang ditentukan (ditunjuk). (5) Barang itu bukan juga sebagian dari barang-barang yang ditentukan (ditunjuk).

Untuk menjadi sahnya barang yang dipesan itu ada 8 (delapan) syarat yaitu: (1) Barang yang dipesan hendaklah menyifati barang itu setelah menyebutkan jenis dan macamnya dengan sifat-sifat yang (dapat) membedakan harga barang itu dari yang lain. (2) Haruslah menyebutkan kadar ukuran atau takarannya dengan keterangan yang (dapat) menghilangkan ketidakmengertian tentang barang itu. (3) Kalau pesanan itu barang yang tidak diterima langsung, maka yang dipesan harus menyebutkan waktu penerimaannya. (4) Barang itu pada umumnya harus ada pada waktu yang dijanjikan. (5) Yang dipesani harus menyebutkan tempat serah terima barang pesanan itu. (6) Haruslah harganya sudah diketahui. (7) (Pemesan kepada yang dipesani) harus membayar harga barang pesanan tersebut sebelum berpisah. (8) Akad pemesanan (akad salam) itu harus terus jadi, tidak boleh dimasuki khiyar bersyarat.


(Separated) and all that Jazz Jazz sold in mortgage debt if proved, settled in disclosure and staked it back unless he takes possession of the mortgagee is not guaranteed unless the infringement and if you catch some of the right thing did not come out of foreclosure even eliminated Association.

Setiap sesuatu yang boleh dijual boleh pula digadaikan untuk keperluan hutang piutang. Jika tetap hutang piutang itu menjadi tanggungan (se pigadai). Bagi si pegadai boleh mengurungkan gadaiannya selagi barangnya belum diterima oleh penerima gadaian.

Penerima gadaian tidak (harus) mengganti barang gadaian itu kecuali kalau ia melanggar (tidak menepati amanah). Dan jika penerima gadaian masih menerima sebagian haknya (uang penebusan) belumlah persoalan gadaian itu terlepas (beres) sehingga si pegadai memenuhi semua hak penerima gadaian itu (semua uang penebusnya).


(Separated) and the stone on six minors and the insane and Fools waster of money and bankrupt committed by debt and patient with increased on the third and slave who has not authorized him in the trade and acted boy crazy and Fools is incorrect and acted bankrupt true in discharged without notables money and conduct patient with increased on the third detainee to leave heirs after him and acted in the slave be discharged if it follows the aged.

Larangan memebelanjakan uang hanyalah dilakukan terhadap 6 (enam) orang yaitu: (1) Anak-anak; (2) Orang gila; (3) Orang bodoh yang memubadzirkan urangnya (memboroskan uang semaunya). (4) Orang pailit (bangkrut) yang menanggung banyak hutang. (5) Orang sakit (yang mengkhawatirkan) dalam hal berwasiat menyedekahkan lebih dari sepertiga hartanya. (6) Hamba sahaya atau budak yang tidak diijinkan berdagang oleh tuannya.

(A) Pembelanjaan oleh anak-anak, orang gila dan orang safih adalah tidak sah. (B) Pembelanjaan oleh orang pailit adalah sah atas tanggungannya sendiri (asal) bukan pembelanjaan harta yang sedang diawasi. (C) Pembelanjaan orang sakit dalam jumlah lebih besar dari sepertiga hartanya adalah diserahkan atas ijin ahli warisnya sesudah ia wafat. (D) Pembelanjaan budak (tanpa seijin tuannya) adalah tidak sah dan segala akibatnya menjadi tanggung jawab sendiri, (artinya) bahwa ia dituntut sendiri sesudah merdeka jika dalam pembelanjaannya tadi merusak sesuatu.


(Separated) and true peace with the recognition of funds and what has resulted to a two discharge and opposition Valibrae confined to his right on some of may not be attached to the condition and the opposition reprieve from the right to the other and being sentenced to sales and permissible for a person to initiate Rochna in the way of force so as not to hurt the pass-through is not may be common in the driveway without the permission of the partners may be provided door in the driveway of common and may not be delayed without the permission of the partners.


(Separated) and strips of hawala four things satisfaction assignor and the assignee and accept the fact that the right stable in disclosure and spending in edema transferor and the transferee in the sex and gender, solutions and postponement edema and discharged by the assignor.
(Separated) and the true guarantee of debt stable in disclosure if aware of and to the right holder claim guarantor and secured him if warranty on what Pena and if fined guarantor returned to the secured him if security and the elimination of the authorization is not valid guarantee the unknown and do not unless you must, but Derek sale.


(Separated) and the sponsorship award to the body if it was guaranteed the right to Adami.

(Separated) and a partnership of five strips to be on the Nad of dirhams and dinars and agree to sex and gender and Akhalta Almalen and authorize each and every one of them to its owner in the act and that the profit and loss as much as Almalen and each one of them terminated whenever he wants and when he died, one is invalidated.


(Separated) and all that jazz for a person to dispose of it by himself, he may be entrusted or puts his trust in it and the agency contract is permissible and each terminated whenever he wants and Tnevsk the death of one agent Secretary in possession of it, and while distracting and does not guarantee only alienating may not buy and sell only three strips to sell priceless ideals Cash and be criticizing the country may not be to sell himself nor his client admits to without his permission.


(Separated) and its headquarters Dharban: the right of God and the right of human. The right to Almighty God for the true Back to acknowledge it, is not right and the right of human refer it to acknowledge it. Health and lacking recognition to three bands: puberty, mind and choice. Though money was considered a condition in which a fourth majority. If approved Bmjhol returned to him in his true exception in recognizing the link if it is in the case of both health and disease.


(Separated) all I could use it with the same survival greenlit loaned if the effects and benefits may be the absolute bare and restricted the duration of which is guaranteed to Patron value on damaged.


(Separated) and grabbing money to a must return and Archie deficiency fare like the damage within it in kind if like him or its value, if not more like him what they were unlawfully seized from day-to-day damage.


(Separated) and the pre-emption due Balkhaltp without neighborly relations divided without what not divided at all is not transferred from the ground Kalakar and other the price which was signed by selling an on the spot, the last of which was with the ability it invalidated if married person woman on Sags taken intercessor dowry ideals though intercessors group deserved the amount of property.


(Separated) and lending four strips to be on the Nad of dirhams and dinars and to authorize the Lord of the money for the worker to act at all or with uninterrupted presence often and require that his part information from profit and not estimated duration does not guarantee the worker only aggression and if there is a profit and losing Jabr losers profit.


(Separated) and Musaqah Award on sieving and generosity and her two conditions, one can appreciate the duration and the second to appoint an agent for information from the fruit and then work on the two types back to the utility of the fruit is on the worker and the work of the utility back to earth is the Lord of the money.


(Separated) and all benefit from it as much as possible with the same stay true Ajarth estimated its utility if one of two things, or the duration of the work and the launch of the fare adjustment requires only require that the delay does not invalidate the death of a lease contractors and negate the damage to the leased premises to ensure that the employee is not only aggression.


(Separated) and the prize is a prize that is required in response instead of wandering information if it deserved response Awad parole.


(Separated), and if you push the man to the ground to cultivate and condition information to him as part of the proceeds is not permissible and that coercion them with gold or silver or a condition known him food he owes Jazz.


(Separated) and the revival of disused land is permissible subject to two conditions to be life-giving for granted that the earth shall be free not been the king of the Muslim recipe revival was in the habit Amara's visage must be made of water with three bands that prefer it needs and that it needs the other for himself or for Bhimth and have thus Istkhalaf in Beer or appointed.


(Separated) LV permissible with three bands to be making do with survival benefit and be on the same underlying asset and the branch is not interrupted and that it is not in a prohibited on what condition the standing offer, delay or compromise or preference.


(Separated) and all that Jazz Jazz sold endowment gift but does not oblige the arrest and taking possession of the donee if it was not for the donor to return them only to be parents and if something or Amer Erqubh had to Muammar or observatory and his heirs after him.


(Separated) and if there is a snapshot in favorable or through, then he took her and left her, and took her first from the left was confident of doing it. If he must be taken to know six things: Aaha and the Afasa and Ocaha and sex, number and keep it in the Haraz like her. Then if he wants owned known years on the doors of the mosques in the place where he found it, did not find the owner was imbued with the condition that his guarantee.

The snapshot of four strike: one that stays on constantly this rule. The second and what does not stay wet as the food is the choice between eating and Grema or sell it and save for it. And the third is still treating it as Kalrdob Let the interest of keeping the price and sell it or dried and saved. And the fourth the expense of what needs to be like an animal, a Dharban: animal does not refrain himself is the choice between eating and fined for it or leave it and volunteer to spend it or sell it and save for it. And the animal refrain himself and his grandfather left him in the desert, although he found in urban areas is the choice between three things in it.
(Separated) and if there is a bastard by the roadside and took him, and brought up his bail and is due to not enough acknowledges only in the hands of the Secretary found him money spent by the ruling if there is no money with him in the house Venafqath money.


(Separated) and the Secretariat of the deposit and mustahabb for those who accepted the Secretariat, which is not guaranteed, but the words of the infringement and the depositor acceptable in response to the depositor and that it keeps them in the score like if it was requested did not pay it with the ability it even draws within.
Book statutes and commandments

And Allwarthon men ten son and the son of the son and other descendents, father and grandfather and Ola, brother, nephew and that slack and uncle and cousin, although apart and the husband and Mawla Freedman and Allwarthat women, seven girls and girl son, mother and grandmother, sister, wife and attached Almatqh It does not fall under any circumstances five spouses and parents born steel is not inherit the condition seven slave mastermind mother boy, offices and the killer and the apostate and the people Maltin and closer closeness son and then his son, then the father and his father and brother, father and mother and brother of the father and the nephew of the father and the mother and nephew of the father and uncle on this arrangement and then his son, the Admt closeness Vamoly Freedman.

Artinya: Ahli waris dari golongan laki-laki ada 10 (sepuluh).
1. Anak laki-laki.
2. Cucu laki-laki (dari anak laki-laki_ ke bawah.
3. Ayah.
4. Kakek ke atas.
5. Kakak / adik laki-laki.
6. Kemenakan (keponakan) laki-laki (putera dari kakak / adik laki-laki) ke bawah.
7. Saudara ayah.
8. Putera dan saudara ayah sekalipun jauh.
9. Suami.
10. Tuan yang telah memerdekakan hamba sahaya (budak)-nya.

Ahli waris dari golongan perempuan ada 7 (tujuh):

1. Anak perempuan.
2. Cucu perempuan (dan laki-laki).
3. Ibu.
4. Nenek perempuan.
5. Kakak / adik perempuan.
6. Isteri.
7. Pemilik budak wanita yang telah memerdekakan hamba sahaya-nya.

Orang yang tidak gugur hak warisnya dalam keadaan bagaimanapun ada 5 (lima) yaitu:

1. Suami.
2. Isteri.
3. Ayah.
4. Ibu.
5. Anak kandung laki-laki dan perempuan.

Orang yang tidak berhak mewarisi (peninggalan mayit) dalam keadaan bagaimanapun ada 7 (tujuh) yaitu:

1. Hamba sahaya (budak) baik laki-laki atau perempuan.
2. Hamba sahaya mudabbar (yaitu budak yang disanggupi akan dimerdekakan bila tuannya telah meninggal dunia).
3. Ummul walad yaitu hamba sahaya perempuan yang mempunyai anak dari tuannya.
4. Hamba sahaya mukatab yaitu hamba sahaya yang sedang mengangsur / mencicil menebus dirinya untuk merdeka.
5. Pembunuh si mayit.
6. Orang murtad atau keluar dari Islam.
7. Pemeluk dua agama yang berlainan (misalnya, muslim dan kafir, yang satu tidak berhak mewarisi yang lain).

Asabah (penerima bagian waris tidak tetap) yang paling dekat adalah anak laki-laki. Kemudian:
1. Cucu laki-laki dari anak laki-laki.
2. Ayah.
3. Kakek.
4. Saudara kandung (seayah dan seibu).
5. Saudara seayah.
6. Putera saudara kandung (seayah seibu) alias keponakan.
7. Putera saudarayah) seayah alias keponakan.
8. Paman (saudara ayah) menurut urutan di atas.
9. Putera paman (sepupu).

Apabila ahli waris ashab tersebut sudah tidak ada (susah meninggal), maka pemilik hamba sahaya (laki-laki/perempuan) adalah yang yang telah memerdekakan mayit itu yang menerima warisan asabah.


(Separated) and assumptions mentioned in the Book of Allah six half and quarter the price and two-thirds and one-third and one-sixth Valencef impose five girls and girl son and sister of the father and the mother and sister of the father and the husband if it is not his boy and quarter impose two pair with the boy or the Son was born, which impose the wife and the wives with no The boy was born, or the Son, and the imposition of the price and the wife or wives with the boy born son and four daughters-thirds impose my daughter and son and two sisters of the father, mother and two sisters of the father and the mother of two third impose if it is not obscured by the two brothers onwards

And sisters born mother and a sixth imposing seven mother with a child or born son or two on, brothers and sisters, a grandmother when there is no mother and girl son with a girl of steel, a sister of the father and mother which is the imposition of a father with a child or was born the Son, and the imposition seriously when you are not the father, which impose one Born of Mother

The fall grandmothers mother and grandparents father and falls born mother with four boy born son, father and grandfather and falling brother of the father and mother with three son and the son of the son and the father and the fall born father and falls born father to these three and brother of the father, mother and four blindfolded sisters son and the son of the son and brother of the father, mother and brother of the father and four They inherit without sisters, uncles and sons, uncles and sons and brother gangs Mawla Freedman.

Artinya: Bagian tetap atau pasti yang disebut dalam Al-Quran ada 6 (enam) yaitu:

1. 1/2 (setengah)
2. 1/4 (seperempat).
3. 1/8 (seperdelapan)
4. 2/3 (dua pertiga).
5. 1/3 (sepertiga).
6. 1/6 (seperenam).

Setengah (1/2) adalah bagian untuk (tiap orang) dari 5 orang di bawah ini:
1. Anak perempuan.
2. Cucu perempuan (dari anak laki-laki).
3. Saudara perempuan kandung (seaya seibu)
4. Saudara perempuan seayah.
5. Suami jika tak ada anak laki-laki atau anak perempuan si mayit.

1/4 (seperempat) adalah bagian untuk (tiap orang dari) dua orang ahli waris di bawah ini:

1. Suami yang bersama anak laki-laki/perempuan atau bersama cucu laki-laki/perempuan dari anak laki-laki.
2. Dan 1/4 dan tersebut adalah bagian untuk seorang istri (bagian) untuk beberapa orang isteri (2-4) yang tak bersama anak laki-laki/perempuan atau cucu laki-laki/perempuan dari anak laki-laki si mayit.

1/8 (seperdelapan) adalah bagian untuk seorang istri dan (bagian) untuk beberapa orang isteri (2-4) yang bersama anak (laki-laki/perempuan) atau cucu laki-laki/perempuan dari anak laki-laki si mayit.

2/3 (dua pertiga) adalah bagian untuk (tiap-tiap golongan ahli waris dari) empat golongan di bawah ini, yaitu:

1. Dua orang anak perempuan atau lebih.
2. Dua orang cucu perempuan (dari anak laki-laki) atau lebih.
3. Dua orang saudari perempuan seayah seibu (kandung) atau lebh.
4. Dua orang saudari perempuan kandung (seayah seibu).

1/3 (sepertiga) adalah bagian untuk (tiap orang dari) dua orang (di bawah ini):

1. Ibu, jika tidak terhalang (mahjub).
2. Dan 1/3 tersebut adalah untuk dua orang atau lebih saudara laki-laki dan perempuan seibu.

1/6 (seperenam) adalah bagian untuk (tiap orang dari) 7 orang di bawah ini:

1. Ibu yang beserta anak (laki-laki/perempuan) atau cucu (laki-laki / perempuan dari anak laki-laki); atau yang beserta dua orang atau lebih saudara laki-laki / perempuan si mayit.

2. 1/6 ini untuk nenek (satu atau lebih) ketika tidak ada ibu si mayit.
3. Untuk cucu perempuan (dari anak laki-laki) yang beserta anak perempuan si mayit sendiri.
4. Seperenam tersebut adalah (juga bagian) untuk saudara perempuan seayah yang beserta saudara perempuan seayah seibu.
5. 1/6 tersebut adalah bagian untuk ayah yang beserta anak laki-laki/perempuan si mayit atau yang beserta cucu laki-laki / perempuan dari anak laki-laki si mayit.

6. Dan bagian untuk kakek ketika tidak ada ayah si mayit.
7. Dan 1/6 tersebut adalah bagian untuk seorang saudara laki-laki / saudara perempuan seibu.


(Separated) and may be commandment constant prices and the unknown and the existing and non-existent, one of the third, the increased stopping to leave heirs may not be the commandment for an heir, however, permitted the rest of the heirs and valid wills of all adult sane each possessive in the way of Allah Almighty and true testament to the met the five qualities of Islam and adulthood and mind and freedom and honesty.
Book of Marriage and related provisions and issues

Marriage is desirable to those who need it and may heat that combines four silks and Abdul between the two do not marry free nation only two conditions of non Friendship free and fear hardship and a man sees the woman on the seven-hit, one of which look to foreign unnecessarily is not permissible and the second look to his wife or his nation may be seen to except the vulva of them and third look to women with female kin or nation miscible permissible except what is between the navel and the knee and the fourth consideration for the marriage may be to the face and hands and fifth consideration for healing may be to places that need it the sixth considered for certification or for treatment may be to look at the face, especially the seventh to look at When the nation Aptialla to places that may need to be stirred.


(Separation) is not valid marriage contract except poly and see justice and lacks the guardian and two witnesses to the six strips of Islam and adulthood and the mind, freedom and masculinity and justice, but he does not lack fuck dhimmi to Islam guardian does not fuck the nation to the fairness of Mr. and first governors father and grandfather Abu father and brother, father and mother and then Brother of the father and then the nephew of the father and mother and then the nephew of the father and uncle and then his son on this arrangement, if Admt closeness Vamoly Freedman and his gang then ruling may not be authorized engaged to iddah may introduce her and marry after her 'and women on two types Thebes and the firstborn Vabakr permissible for a father and grandfather forcing her to marry, and married person may not marry her only after puberty and her permission.


(Separated) and taboos text fourteen seven proportions they mother and grandparents and girls, although svelte and sister and aunt and the aunt and girl brother and girl sister and two Balarzaa nursing mother and sister of breastfeeding and four-law, mother, wife and Rababh if it enters the mother and the wife of the father and the son's wife and one of the point of combining a sister of the wife does not combines between women and between women nor her aunt and her aunt and deprived of breastfeeding is deprived of ratios and women are given five defects insanity, leprosy and leprosy and darn century contained five-man disadvantages of insanity, leprosy and leprosy and the pit and impotence.


(Separated) and mustahabb to give dowry in the marriage is not named true contract and shall dowry three things that imposed by the pair on the same or imposed by the ruling or enters must dowry and no less dowry or maximum limit permissible to marry her to the benefit of information and drops in divorce before entering into a half pony.


(Separated) and feast on the wedding unpleasant and answer them due only excuse.


(Separated) and the settlement in the section between wives due does not include the non-divisor her unnecessarily and if he wants to travel Ding them and came out the way that graduated its lottery and if he marries a new summed up in seven nights that was a virgin and three that were Thiebaud and if he was afraid recalcitrance women preached the Father except Resurrection abandoned The set up and hit him abandoned and falling Balnchor divided and expense.


(Separated) and dislocations permissible to offset known and have the women play the same can not be reversed only by his new Balinkah may Khula in purity and in menstruation does not catch Almokhtlah divorce.


(Separated) and divorce Dharban frank and metaphor Vabih three words of divorce and separation and release nor lacks explicit divorce to the intent and metonymy every word endured a divorce and the other lacks faith and for women it Dharban hit in divorce a year and a fad and they animate menstruation Sunnis to sign divorce in Cleanse is conclaves where the heresy that sign divorce in menstruation or intercourse sanitize it and hit the divorce is not in one year and not a fad four small, exponential and pregnant and Almokhtlah which did not enter it.


(Separated) and owns three talaaqs free and slave Ttliqtin true exception in divorce as Link by true Commenting Balsafh requirement does not count as a divorce before the marriage and divorce is not located four minors and the insane and the sleeper and the impeller.


(Separated) and if divorced his wife and one or two then he reviewed what has not expired promised the adjourned promised solution has to marry her new contract and be with him on what was left of divorce, divorced three unresolved until after the presence of five strips expiration promised him and marry her otherwise and entering them and her and Benontha him The expiration promised him.

(Separated) and if not NATO or never set foot in his wife for more than four months is Mall?? And defer to him that I asked that four months and then given the choice between Alveih, thinking and divorce, divorced him governor declined.


(Separated) and zihaar that man says to his wife, "You're on the Kzar mom" If he told her it was not followed by divorce became back and Zmth atonement and penance freeing a believing slave sound of defects detrimental to work and gain did not find the possible, to fast for two consecutive months is not able to feed sixty Masaakeen Myskina all poor D It is not permissible for appearances and trodden even atone.


(Separated) and if threw the man his wife of adultery, he pretty ejaculation only to assess the evidence or Alaan says when ruling in the mosque on the podium in a group of people testify to God I am who truthful as I threw him my wife Jane of adultery, although this child of adultery and not me four times and says In the fifth time after exhorting him the ruler and the curse of God that you are a liar and respect Belaana five provisions of the fall of the limit with him and the necessity of reducing it and the demise of the bed and denied the boy and the prohibition forever and drops the limit by that Tltan says testify to God that So and so this is of the liars among threw me him of adultery four The Times says the fifth time after that ruling and warn her to the wrath of God that was truthful.


(Separated) and the righteous on two types deceased reported and non-deceased her Valmtovy reported that she was pregnant Fdtha develop pregnancy albeit barrier Fdtha four months and ten non-deceased her that she was pregnant Fdtha develop pregnancy albeit barrier, one of the women with menstrual Fdtha three menstrual periods, a Alatharh albeit small Isiah Fdtha or three months before entering the absolute and not by the number of them and several of the nation as multiple pregnancy and Balaqra free to invoke Baqroan months and unaccustomed to death two months and five nights and unaccustomed to divorce a month and a half I used the first two months was.


(Separated) and must iddah for retro-residential and alimony must for residential revocable without alimony, however, may be pregnant and whose husband has died on a Alahaddad refrain from decorations and good and whose husband has died and Almptoth inherent in the house except for the need.

(Separation) is introduced by the king of a nation deprived enjoy it even if Aestbriha of women with menstrual Lakedh albeit animate months of month only, although the situation of women with pregnancy and if the master or the boy died Aestbrot itself chattel.


(Separated), and if a woman breastfeeds Bbannha boy became a baby of her son on two conditions, one should be without his first two years and the second to be fed five times Miscellaneous become her husband, a father to him and denied on breastfeeding marriages to it and to all of Nasabha and deprives them marriages to breastfeeding women and his son without than he was in his degree or higher layer of it.


(Separated) and expense columns of parents due to the parents and born either parents obligatory expense subject to two conditions of poverty and Elzimana or poverty, madness and the generators obligatory expense of three strips of poverty and childhood or poverty and Elzimana or poverty, madness and the expense of the slave and cattle due not assigned to work what can not stand and alimony possible from the same Due namely the ability of the husband was solvent Vmdan of Ghalib strength and should be of fallow and cladding are held by the habit though insolvent stretched from Ghalib staple food and Aotadm by Almbeefon and Icksonh albeit moderately stretched and a half and fallow and cladding center, although those who serve like he Ahaddamha though left-handed Bnafqatha it may annul the marriage, as well as the left-handed dowries before entering.


(Separated) and the difference if the man has his wife are deserving of them born Bhoudanth to seven years and then given the choice between his parents which of them chose him and strip him of custody of seven of mind, freedom, religion and chastity, honesty and residence and freedom from the pair of them fell misfire condition.
Book felonies
Killing three strike deliberately pure and error pure and deliberate error Valmay pure is that he goes to hit usually kills and intended to kill him so it must Alcod therefore pardoned him and traveled the friendly thickener case in a capital murderer and error purely to throw something afflicts a man kills him not fuel it, but should be Friendly diluted in a rational deferred for three years and is intended deliberately wrong to hit him as often die does not kill him, but there is no fuel should be friendly thickener in a rational deferred for three years.

The strips should be retribution four to be killer adult of sound mind and not be the parents of the slain and not be murdered reduced from the killer in Kafr or parchment and kill the group by one, every two people were retribution between them in self-being between the parties and the strips should be retribution in the limbs after the strips mentioned two up in the name of the right Right and left, left hand and not be one of the two parties paralysis taken from every member is subject to a detailed retribution nor punishment, except in the wounds described.


(Separated) parental the two types thickener and diluted Vamozh hundred camels Thirty subsequent thirty torso Forty his successor in the bellies of her children and diluted camels Twenty subsequent twenty torso and twenty girl to Bonn and twenty bin Bonn Twenty-girl throes of the Admt camels go to value and said to move to a thousand dinars or twelve ten thousand dirhams though Gzt increased by one-third and thickening friendly error in three positions if killed in the sanctuary or killed in the sacred months or kill a womb of Muharram and friendly woman on the half of a friendly guy and friendly Jewish and Christian third friendly Muslim and The Magus is subject to two-thirds of ten friendly Muslim and complement Friendly Psychology in cut hands and feet, nose, ears, eyes and eyelids four, tongue, lips, go talk and go sight and go hearing and go smell and go mind and the male and two females in the described and age five camels and each member does not benefit the government and friendly slave value and friendly fetus slave ten value of his mother.


(Separated) and if combined with the pretext of contaminated blood located in the self ratified the plaintiff, the plaintiff NATO fifty parental right and deserved. Though there is no besmirch, right-wing on the defendant. And the killer of self-expiation Forbidden freeing of a believing slave sound harmful defects, did not find the possible, to fast for two consecutive months.



Book border

The adulterer on two types immune and non-immune Vamahsn alone stoning and other bosses alone one hundred lashes and banishment for one year to distance the palace and strips chastity four puberty, mind, freedom, and the presence of intercourse in a valid marriage and slave and the nation alone, half limit the free and the rule of sodomy and Eitan beasts arbiter adultery is treading intimacy without motif not reported Baltazir minimum.


(Separated) and if tossed other of adultery, he fairly tossing eight strips three of them in the ejector is that the adult of sound mind and not to be the parents of the extruded and five in the projectile which is to be a Muslim adult of sound mind free chaste and restricts the free eighty-slave forty and falls somewhat tossing three things stay the evidence or The scent of the projectile or curse in the right wife.


(Separated) and drank wine or intoxicating drink limit of forty may reach him on the face of eighty reinforcement must be one of two things Balbana or approval nor limits vomiting and Alastinkah.


(Separated) and cut off the hands of thieves three strips to be an adult of sound mind and steals the minimum threshold value of quarter of a dinar of Haraz like no king in which he has not compromised in money stolen from him and cut off his right hand from the elbow joint, the stole second cut off his left leg, the stole third cut his left hand, the Fourthly stole severed his right foot then stole the motif reportedly kills Sabra.


(Separated) and the Gaza road on the four sections that were killed did not take the money killed the killed and took the money were killed and crucified if they took the money and did not Atgulwa cutting off of hands of disagreement, the scared way and did not take the money and did not kill locked and Azrua and repented of them before the ability it landed him the border and taking rights .

(Separation) is accidentally hurt himself or his money or his harem then fight about it and ensure it does not kill the animal to ensure that passengers Otfatth his mount.

(Separated) and the people fighting oppression in three strips to be in the invincibility and go out of their grip Imam and have them interpret palatable nor kill their captive nor what their take-no Ivvv on Jeriham.

(Separated) and bounced about three times the Asttib Islam and repented, but did not kill and did not wash up it was not buried in Muslim cemeteries.

(Separated) and who does not pray on the two types, one that leaves them to leave non-belief is obligatory for Vgmha rule of the apostate and the second to leave Kassala belief is obligatory for the Visttab repented and prayed and only kill an end and it was his Muslim rule.


Book of Jihad

The strips should be jihad seven qualities of Islam and adulthood, mind, freedom, and masculine, health and energy to fight and the families of the infidels For two types hit a thin same captivity, they are boys, women and hit not lived up the same captivity, they are adult men and Imam is free to choose those four things murder, enslavement and the manna and the ransom money or men do So what of the interest is the safest by households made his money and blood and young children and sentenced the boy to Islam when there are reasons: to deliver one of his parents or Muslim Esph for solo parents or there is an abandoned baby in the house of Islam.

(Separation) is killing people, gave the spoils are divided Booty then the five-fifths of the petition four-fifths of those who witnessed Aelloukap and given to Knight three shares and footmen shares and does not contribute only to those who completed the five strips of Islam and adulthood, mind, freedom, and masculine, the misfire requirement, bowed to him and did not contribute divides five on five shares of stock to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him distracted after the interests and share of kin and motivating the children and the children of Hashim and Muttalib share for orphans and the poor in shares and shares of wayfarers.

(Separated) and divides the money shade on five teams spend five to distract them from five Booty and given four-fifths of the fighter in the interests of Muslims.

(Separated) and the strips should be tribute five qualities of puberty and the mind, freedom, and masculine and that the people of the book, or who have compromised the book and less tribute dinars in the all-around and taken from the average Dinaran and solvent four dinars and may require them hospitality as well as the amount of tribute and includes contract tribute four things tribute to perform and carry out the provisions of Islam and that they do not mention the religion of Islam and that's fine, but what it does not do harm to the Muslims and they know the parts to wear tight girdle and prevented from riding.


Book Fishing and sacrifices

The extent to Zkath Vzkath in his throat and bits and did not appreciate the Zkath Vzkath Akre, where as much as him and Kamal Alzkah four things cut throat, esophagus, Alodjin and fractionator them things cut throat, esophagus and may baiting each prey parameter of the lions and raptors birds and ribbons taught four to be if you send indulged If Zgert Anzgert If killed something you did not eat something from him and repeated them the Admt one of the strips did not solve what took him only to realize alive Ivky and may be Alzkah all injured except for a tooth and nail and replace handout every Muslim and my book does not solve the sacrifice magician nor a heathen and handout fetus Bzkah mother However, there is alive and Ivky cut from the district, but it is dead hair.

(Separated) and all animal Asttabth Arabs is halaal unless stated Islam forbids all animal Astkhbuth Arabs is forbidden unless stated Shara certifying and deprived of lions that has to Knapp strong merely him and deprived of the birds what his clutch strong injuring him and resolves to compelled in starvation to eat Forbidden dead enough to assuage his hunger by us and Mattan Hlalan: fish and locusts, Woodman Hlalan: liver and spleen.

(Separated) and the uncertain years of sacrifice and fractionate the trunk of lamb and bending of the goats and camels and bending of the bending of the cow and camel is sufficient for seven and a cow for seven and a sheep for one. And four does not count in the victims caecum Albin Aouraa and lame Albin Arjha and diseased manifest illness and lean, which went her brain of humor and fractionate Al_khasi and Broken Horn does not count broken ear and guilt and the time of slaughter from the time of Eid prayer at sunset from the last days of al And desirable at slaughter Five Things label and prayers for the The Prophet peace be upon him and receive direction and zooming in and pray for acceptance does not eat anything from the sacrifice and the sacrifice Almndhurh eat the sacrifice of the volunteer does not sell out of the sacrifice and feeding the poor and needy.

(Separated) and Aqeeqah desirable for a carcass born on the seventh day and slaughtered for a boy two sheep and a sheep and ongoing feed the poor and needy.


Book a head start flinging

The contest is valid on the animals and the struggle if the distance information and recipe information activist and one of the contestants come out of consideration even if it has already been recovered and that the owner has already taken him though Okhrajat together, but it is not permissible to enter their analyst is already taking Awad, although previously not fine.


Book Vows

Does not meet the right but in God or in the name of His names or attributes of the same and NATO charity wealth is a choice between charity and expiation right and nothing in the moonshine right and NATO that does nothing and ordered others are doing not unkept and NATO to do the two things he did, one did not unkept expiation and the right is where the choice between three things freeing a believing slave or feed every ten poor or clothe poor D dress robe did not find the possible, to fast for three days.

(Separated) and vow required in the reward on the permissible and obedience such as saying that healed God my patient Vllah Ali to fast or give charity and necessary that falls upon the name does not vow in disobedience such as saying that the killed Flana Vllah Ali as well as he does not have to leave permissible such as saying do not eat flesh, nor to drink For us and the like.


Book districts and certificates

May not be followed by the elimination only completed a fifteen tuft: Islam and adulthood and the mind, freedom and masculinity, justice and knowledge of the provisions of the Quran and Sunnah and learn consensus and find differences and learn methods of diligence and knowledge of a party of San Arabs and knowing interpret the Book of Allah and be Hearer and be discreet and be a writer and be awake and recommended to sit in the center of the country in the position of senior people do not Usher has not held the judiciary in the mosque and evens between the two rivals in the three things in the shop and pronunciation, and the meat is not permissible to accept a gift from the people of his work and bypass the judiciary in ten places at the anger and hunger and thirst, and the intensity of lust and sorrow Joy excessive and when the disease Alokhbuthain When sleepiness and extreme heat and cold and do not ask the defendant only after Kamal lawsuit nor Ihfah only after question prosecutor nor teaches opponent's argument does not understand words, not Atant martyrs and does not accept the certificate, but who proved fairness does not accept the certificate enemy nor a certificate and father to his father nor Book a judge to accept another judge in provisions only after testimony of two witnesses, including.

(Separated) and lacks denominator to seven strips of Islam and adulthood and the mind, freedom and masculinity, justice and the account the make up partners who divides not lacking in that though in the division calendar not only did it on less than two and if called for one partner to divide what does not damage it needed another answer.

(Separated) and if it is with the plaintiff evidence heard by the ruling him out but were not aware Saying saying defendant his right hand, the tire on the right responded to the prosecutor Faihlv deserves and if run-down thing in the hands of one Saying the words of the owner of the hand with his right hand and that was in their hands alliance and make them, and NATO NATO to do the same to decide and cutting and NATO on the other, the reaction was proof of NATO to decide and cutting though categorically denied the NATO flag.

(Separation) does not accept the certificate, but who met the five qualities of Islam and adulthood, mind, freedom, justice and fairness of five strips to be Mojtnba of Egypt is a major a little trivial things sound conscience safe conservative anger on chivalry like him.

(Separated) and rights Dharban right God and the right of human As for the rights of human beings, three-strike hit does not accept the two witnesses memorabilia which is not intended to money and consulted by the men and hit accept the two witnesses or a man and two women or Shahdtan and the right of the plaintiff, which was intended to money and hit accept it A man and two women or four women which is not seen by the men and the rights of God does not accept the women, a three-strike hit does not accept it is less than four, which adultery and hit accept the two which only the adultery of the border and hit accept it and one is a moon of Ramadan and does not accept Certificate blind, but in five positions and death ratios and absolute monarch, translation and testified before the exact blindness and does not accept the certificate Zhao himself useful nor defended damage.


Book emancipation

The true emancipation of every owner of a legal act valuable kingdom located explicitly emancipation and metonymy with the intention and if freed some Abdul freeing him Society, though freed snare him in Abdul, a Moser Sri emancipation to linger and it was the value of the share is the king of one of his parents or MC freeing him.

(Separated) and the loyalty of his rights and the rule of emancipation when filleting and whether or not to move from loyalty to the male freedman of his cohorts and the order of gangs in loyalty Ktertabehn inheritance may not sell nor loyalty endowment.

(Separation) is said to have been Abdo If you are free is aged housekeeper after his death from a third, and he may sell it in the event of his life and invalidate the rule of masterminding the mastermind in the case of the life of the rule of serf slave.

(Separated) and writing desirable if he asked her slave was safe acquired is not valid unless money is known and will be postponed to the order known at least Longman which on the one hand, Mr. necessary hand offices Award hath terminated whenever he wants and Starter act as in the hand of money and should Mr. put him from Writing what money is retained by the performance of the star writing, nor aged only perform all the money.
(Separated) and if hit Mr. nation has placed the show has something to create Adami denied it sold and mortgaged donated and it may dispose of use and intercourse, and if he died, Mr. age of its capital by the SAI, bequests, and her son than others their status and hit the nation's other marry a Valold which is owned by her master that hit them on suspicion of Woldh free and worth it to Mr. King, although the nation after it did not insist Baloute his mother was born in the marriage and became his mother was born Baloute compromise on one of the two views, and God knows best.

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